PICA blog

Color me flexible! We have Colored Flexible Printed Circuits to meet your application needs

Written by Travis Thompson | Jul 17, 2023 6:58:00 PM

So you need a flex circuit but your application demands a black substrate to keep the light out? There was a time when you simply could not get what you wanted. Times have changed. The need for colors other than the typical amber for FPCs has grown over the years and as the demand has grown, so have your choices. 

FPCs are no longer just buried as an interconnect inside the industrial package. They are in many cases an integral part of the industrial design and are visible to the user. Amber alone just does not cut it anymore and having the flexibility to match the flex circuit color to the end product is a big plus!

The PCB guys started embracing colors other than the traditional green several years ago. And now the flex guys are catching up!

So you want a red flex so you do not mix up prototypes on the floor with released production product. Got it! How about a white one to give you better properties for that LED application? Got that too!

And of course that black one for the optical sensor. You guessed it, got that one too!

In the past, flexible circuit users had always been stuck with amber. Now due to advances in flexible mask technology you can match the color to the needs of your device. 

The new epoxy masks used on flex circuits have excellent adhesion and come in a wide array of colors to meet every need.

Not sure what color you want for your application and what is available? 

Give us a call 1-855-PICA-MFG and we connect you to the right engineer!